Who is Lois?
“when I call to remembrance the genuine faith that is in you, which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice, and I am persuaded is in you also.”
2 Timothy 1:5

So who is Lois and what's this talk about her fruit?
Lois is only mentioned once in the Bible. We don’t know her story. We don’t know if, like Ruth, she would sacrifice her comforts in obedience to God. We don’t often tell inspirational stories about her like we do for Sarah, Hannah, or the woman who touched the hem of Jesus’ garment. She doesn’t have a book named after her like Esther. But one thing we know about Lois is that she had genuine faith—a faith strong enough to be mentioned in the infallible Word of God. We also know that she had a daughter, Eunice and grandson, Timothy, who also possessed this same faith. In II Timothy 1:5 Paul says to Timothy, “when I call to remembrance the genuine faith that is in you, which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice, and I am persuaded is in you also.”
Parents often leave indelible impressions on their children’s lives. I surmise that Eunice’s faith was rooted in the example of her mother Lois. In other words, Lois was the root, Eunice was the tree, which means her grandson, Timothy, would essentially be the fruit. And given the genuine faith of these women and Timothy’s ministry, I would say their legacy of faith yielded some pretty good fruit. In fact, Matthew 7:17 says, “…every good tree bears good fruit…”
I know about Lois because of my own God-fearing mother, Rosalind. She would quote that passage in II Timothy often; reminding me that like Lois, she too held a strong, Christian faith that was first instilled in her by her mother, Ruby. It’s the same legacy of faith from my father that was passed down from his mother, Mattie. Hence, the name of this website, Lois’ Fruit. The name “Lois” symbolizes the genealogy or legacy of faith that is passed on from generation to generation. It represents the faithful legacy left by my grandmothers, Mattie and Ruby. I, like Timothy, have benefited tremendously from the faith of these strong women. I am their fruit. I was blessed to witness their resilient, fervent faith in God and their unwavering commitment to seek His face for many years. Though they have both gone to be with the Lord, their legacy remains—for these roots were anchored in an incredible faith in God. This website is dedicated to them. Thank you, Lois. Thank you, Mattie. Thank you, Ruby.